Songs by Debbie Strange

By Debra Strange



Everybody wants to know, “what is the purpose of life?”  Look folks, the purpose of life is to get from A to Z; A, being birth, and Z, being death; B through Y are simply the consequences of all the decisions you’ve made in your life.  If you have never been told this before, let me be the first to say it, you and only you are in control of your own life.  So many times when things go wrong in life we look for an explanation that removes us from the equation.   It’s so much easier to blame somebody else than to take responsibility for the choices we make.  We all have made wrong decisions; taken the wrong paths; zigged when we should have zagged.  That’s what life is; a series of zig-zag motions and sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.  When it works, we give ourselves the credit, but when it doesn’t work we tend to point the finger elsewhere. 

Countless times I have had people come to me and ask for my opinion on a situation they are in; most of the time it has to do with being unhappy with their job, boyfriend, or marriage.  I always lay it on the line and give them the best advice I can offer, thus being, take control of your life and find what makes you happy.  Nine out of ten times, the same person comes back a week or so later, crying about the same problem.  This is when I get, well, blunt.  I will say, “I’ve shown you the door; I’m not holding your hand and walking you through it”. 

So, what is the secret to a happy life?  Answers vary from, having lots of money, good sex, a loving family, good health, etc.  You know what?  There is no “secret”; you hold the answer within yourself.  To me, the answer is just being content with each day that comes.  I don’t worry about tomorrow, next week, next month, or next year.  Today is it and if I make it through this day without getting run over by a bus, it’s a good day.  Sure, not every day is great, but making it through it defines happiness to me. 

The bottom line is this:  If you are unhappy with your job, get a different job.  If you are unhappy with your boyfriend/girlfriend, get a new one.  If you are unhappy in your marriage, get counseling or end it.  The point is, make your own choices and take responsibility for your actions. 

A and Z are the easy parts; B through Y, well, that’s the fun part.  Enjoy it.  When I’ve had a bad day I usually say, “if life hands you lemons, sit on your front porch and throw them at passing cars”…….then run like hell.

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